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Iraq Bitumen Price Fluctuations During Contract

Iraq Bitumen Price Fluctuations During Contract

Petroleum If you stay with us until the end, we will provide you with information about the fluctuations in the price of Iraq bitumen during the contract.

People around the world need more than 100 million tons of bitumen every year.

As a result, energy is so important in global markets.

This material can be valuable to meet these needs.

Now, Iran is the second largest pitch exporter in the world.

Iran can make currency in the export market when people threat black activists cruelly.

As a result, producers lose their trade opportunities.

Iran’s tar exports are ranked ninth in the world.

As a result, the industry is very valuable for the country economically.

Iraqi  Bitumen

It is produced of wells in Kurdistan and Southern Iraq and there is much in the lakes.

They extract it from the oil wells in Iraq by oozing of pitch.

People produce that in Iraq’s old refineries.

As a result, this has high quality and its price is fluctuating.

If they don’t separate the ingredients of tar properly, they’ll have some sulfur.

Sulfur is suitable for some industries such as rubber manufacturing and asphalt bitumen.

Iraqi Bitumen Analysis

Its solubility is less than 99.8 and its relative permeability is more than 1 to 1.5.

Iraq pitch penetration grade is 60/70.

They produce Iraq tar with a grade of 40/50.

Its appearance is firmer than bitumen 60/70 and its penetration degree is between 40 and 50.

They use it as asphalt construction in hot areas.

The price fluctuation of Iraqi bitumen during the contract period depends on its quality.

Of course, bitumen experts believe that the exports of this material have increased.

Factors affecting the price fluctuations of Iraqi tar include low -quoted Russian oil, unapproved government regulations and the entry of Iraq poor quality bitumen.

Threats Against Iran’s Bitumen Exports

Highest Paying Industries

Annual turnover is more than 100 million tomans.

As a result, a large number of investors are attracted to the petrochemical industry.

They have faced  a lot of problems in the past years.

Members of parliament have increased barter transactions.

They don’t consider bitumen as a raw material and semi-finished Petroleum product and  have eliminated  its tax exemption.

Sanctions & Non-Expert Rules

This area has problems such as sanctions and lack of proper infrastructure.

These problems persist too because we need five ships to bitumen exports annually while there are not even a bulk carrier ships to export this substance in ports.

Buy & Sell Exchange Rates

If the price of Iraq pitch changes in this industry, you will have problems in production and sales because this damages to bitumen industry very much.

In addition to the above, they export Iraq poor quality bitumen from Iran to global markets, so this has defamed the Iranian brand.

Iraq’s Bitumen Exports

Iraq tar problems include fluctuation of the price of Iraq bitumen during contract and lack of high- quality.

They export it from Iran to Turkey in bulk and finally export it with Iranian labels to countries such as China, Africa and Arab countries.

This has created problems such as destroy Iran’s position among global markets and exporting pitch by our competitors.

Iraq must pay a lot of money to export bitumen through Iranian ports because this Iraqi material has no value in the world and its price is fluctuating.

If they import Iraq tar into the domestic market, producers’ competition will decrease.

Neighboring countries sell this product at cheaper prices than Iran.

As a result, it has created problems.

Export Market for Natural Bitumen

If you want to export tar to multiple countries, you should check different markets to choose the best market for export.

Your business will fail, if you do not have enough information about them.

Iran is the largest exporter of pitch in the Middle East.

The United Arab Emirates uses part of Iran’s bitumen and exports the rest to other countries.

If you have enough information about different markets, you can negotiate in the public and private sectors of the destination country so that you can find a suitable buyer.

Bitumen Packaging

You should also pay attention to the packaging materials at the time of the exports.

It is one of the factors that changes the price of Iraq pitch during the contract.

They consider different types of  tar packaging.

In general, buyers can choose the type of it.

Some buyers order this material in bulk bitumen road tankers and others can also order it in the barrel.

Barrels have different capacities.

People export a lot of products in Iranian metal barrels and produce this product with jumbo bag packaging.

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